MODEL PT-1_Decentralised healthcare @Milano Design City

The on-going pandemic has shown the inadequacy of national health systems, which is seriously clear in the gap in the access to the care services and in the struggle in managing the hospitals overloaded by the high number of patients.
The activation on the local territory of clinics recognized by public administrations, organized on a smart healthcare model, can contribute to a process of de-hospitalisation of the system, making the healthcare infrastructure more sustainable, inclusive, democratic, and widespread.

The presented project is a Class I medical device which enables the user to measure his/her body temperature, to control the oxygen saturation in the blood and to communicate the data collected to the doctors in the clinic.
It has been designed to be produced within the clinic’s digital fabrication spaces and free distributed to users, as well as shared on the web.

The complete design is accessible on the website

exhibited at Milano Design City from 5 to 10 October 2020